4 Reasons I Haven’t Been Blogging as Much

by Abby on April 29, 2013

hand painting by Mario Mariotti

This is the kind of thing my mom sends me.

An email from my mom: funny pics from the Internet, an interesting link, motivational quotes, some motherly concern: “when you don’t post a couple of times in a row, I worry that your life has gotten unexpectedly complicated.”

Ha! I love my mom. Remember when I was all “woe is me,” wondering why I keep blogging week after week, year after year? Well, I’ve since sorted myself out a bit and realized I’d keep writing even if no one was reading, because I’m a writer and that’s what we DO. But thanks, Mom, for reminding me that people (at least you) ARE reading.

Also, the part about life getting unexpectedly complicated made me laugh because YES and DUH. When is it NOT? Specifically, here are some reasons why I have missed a post or 3 recently:

1. Boys on bikes. Remember how I told you that now that the weather’s gotten nice and it’s staying light out later my boys want to be outside 24/7 riding their bikes? Well, that’s still happening. And it’s gotten even worse since my 4yo got his very own 2-wheeler (with training wheels). I am not exaggerating when I tell you that kid has been riding his bike morning, noon and night. Before school, after lunch, even after he’s in his pajamas. If we don’t let him out, he rides around inside the house. Kinda tough to write with the mini Tour de France going on downstairs.

2. Crazy neighbors. I live in the greatest neighborhood and have some of the best neighbors. Except for the ones who are not. Have you ever gotten a letter from a crazy cat lady accusing you of trying to poison her pet with yard clippings? Have you ever had to stand in front of a car to stop someone from running over your kids? Let me tell you, that can take up quite a bit of energy (and ranting on Facebook and writing angry letters to landlords) that takes away from blogging time.

3. Birthday madness. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, but my husband is celebrating a BIG birthday very soon. He is not happy about this. At all. But we can’t NOT acknowledge a major milestone, right? However, getting him to commit to a plan has been as maddening and fraught with setbacks as potty training my sons. Do you want a big party? A small dinner? A weekend away? What? For the love of God, WHAT?! A more compassionate wife might sympathize about the impending midlife crisis and approach the issue with some sensitivity and patience. Whereas I may have said, “Plan your own damn party, then. I’m done.” (On a related note, have you seen “This is 40”? It is equal parts hilarious and depressing and WAY too close to home.)

4. Interaction with real people. Look, I love blogging and I love my Internet friends. But sometimes you have to step away from the computer and actually interact with other human beings in person. This is hugely time-consuming because it requires showering and putting on makeup and cobbling together a semi-cute outfit from the contents of your outdated closet and sometimes even leaving your home and driving farther than the supermarket or preschool. But it’s WORTH IT. You may have deep conversations about writing and life. You might meet some new people. You might see a very powerful and thought-provoking show like “Listen to Your Mother.”

So there you have it, Mom. The unexpectedly complicated life of an errant mom blogger. Thanks for your concern. And for being a loyal reader.

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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Kris-Ann April 29, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Please keep writing…I read your posts. Every one! You know I’m a fan. Also, This is 40…OMG, way too close to home. I think they actually said things that I’ve said. So weird.


Abby April 29, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Oh, don’t worry, Kris-Ann, I will. Who else am I going to regale with all my stories? Another reason for less blogging is Pinterest, which I’m sure you can relate to and which is worth an entire separate post!


Julie Rector April 29, 2013 at 8:23 pm

I’m reading! I actually used your post from Friday in my 11th grade classes today. (Hope you don’t mind.) We’re reading Gatsby and writing descriptive narrative essays.


Abby April 30, 2013 at 10:16 am

Wow, Julie, I’m so flattered! I can’t imagine what 11th graders must think of a mom blog. 🙂


Lou Mello April 30, 2013 at 9:52 am

I always love your posts and can almost feel the cyber anxiety through the air. Love the craziness and how you always seem to find a handle on things, although stepping in front of crazy neighbors cars may be a bit extreme….Yikes!


Abby April 30, 2013 at 10:17 am

Thanks, Lou. Glad my anxiety and crazy life can provide some entertainment. BTW, it was my neighbor who stepped in front of the car, not me! I just wrote the angry letters.


Lou Mello April 30, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Well, that’s a bit of a relief, I was just picturing you with your Wonder Woman cape and such battling the big bad Buick.


Angie Mizzell May 2, 2013 at 8:51 am

Thanks for clarifying! I was like, wow, you did that? But I would totally do that. When non residents speed into our culdesac, I give them the mom glare. If they didn’t slow down, I’d have to get crazy.


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