When Kids Say Embarrassing Things: Halloween Edition

by Abby on October 30, 2013

Remember when my son told his entire first-grade class that his dad and I fight sometimes and it was immortalized forever in a wedding keepsake for his teacher? Well, this is another example of kids saying embarrassing things.

Even though I told you all how much my perfect boots cost, I generally believe it’s tacky to talk about money in public. I don’t usually tell my kids how much something costs, mainly because to them money is a vague concept in which 4 quarters ( or “4 monies,” as my 4yo calls them) are better than one dollar bill. Because coins are cool, whether it’s a fake gold doubloon from a pirate birthday party or a real gold dollar from the Tooth Fairy. There’s no difference to them.

But 2 things happened this year: 1) my son is now in second grade and learning about money, and 2) he asked for a really freaking expensive Halloween costume. Now, this is a little sad to me because for the past couple years he’s been not only OK with, but excited about, me making his costume. The Angry Bird was a big hit last year. And he and his little brother still wear the green dog costume I made the year before.

Creeper from MinecraftSo when Miles asked to be a character from Minecraft this year, I groaned. In case you don’t hang around school-aged boys or computer geeks much, Minecraft is a videogame with really bad graphics that seems to me like virtual Legos with zombies. I know, I know, it’s so much more than that — calm down, Minecraft freaks. It’s not important to the story.

Anyway, our choices were either to build a fairly complex and uncomfortable-looking costume out of cardboard boxes, colored duct tape, and drywall screws aided by online tutorials (there are lots) or buy a seriously overpriced hoodie that zips over your face and has mesh eye holes. Given the longevity of the dog costume, I liked the sweatshirt idea. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t do one-time only outfits. It’s Halloween, not the Oscars.

I stalked the hoodie online waiting for the price to drop and made Miles kick in some of his own Tooth Fairy money for the costume. Oh, yes I did. I’m THAT mom. Then I almost screwed myself by waiting too long since the price went UP and I might have to pay for rush shipping. Gah!! In the nick of time, I snagged the sweatshirt at the lowest price I could find, no tax, free shipping, only one size too big because they were out of mediums by then.

Creeper costume from MinecraftThe costume arrived and Miles was thrilled. It’s actually not as hideous as I expected. He’s worn it a couple of times already for Halloween parties. But every time, he announces, “My mom paid $60 for it!” I’m so embarrassed. My entire reputation as a bargain shopper is going down in flames. And now the whole world knows what I overpaid for a poly-blend hoodie? I don’t even know who I AM anymore!

I felt better when I ran into a friend at the gym. I asked her 7yo daughter was she was going to be for Halloween. “A glow-in-the-dark skeleton. My mom got me pink skeleton pajamas for $40!” Her mom rolled her eyes. “My usual limit for Halloween costumes is $30. But since she can wear them again…” Guess I’m not the only cheapskate/practical/pushover/embarrassed mom out there. Happy Halloween!

LINK O’ THE DAY: In case you missed it, here’s my 4yo’s Halloween costume this year. The weapon accessories are the highlight for him. And here are the boys last year singing a Halloween song.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Lou Mello October 30, 2013 at 5:41 pm

No worries, I just spent $112, with a $65 promo discount, on a Renaissance King costume to wear one time. Oh, I will try to wear it some other time and maybe at a different time, but, talk about spending bad….Yikes.


Abby October 30, 2013 at 7:49 pm

Oh, come on, you can wear a Renaissance King costume anywhere! The grocery store, the gym, to work on casual Fridays… 🙂


Dixie October 30, 2013 at 6:46 pm

I’m all about being cheap for the costumes. I originally purchased spider man and iron man off of zulily because they really, really wanted to be that. Then this week, they changed their mind and decided to be Jake and Cubby from Jake and the Neverland pirates. I wasn’t about to go buy another costume. Instead, I worked with what we had and only had to buy a vest for Cubby which will be able to dub as his down vest for the season. Not too bad. Next year, I’m waiting until the week before the buy anything!!!


Abby October 30, 2013 at 7:51 pm

That’s exactly why I wait to buy my kids’ costumes, too! But I almost cut it too close this year since the sizes they needed were almost sold out.

P.S. Good work on the Cubby costume!


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