6 Not So Hidden Reasons Why My Mind Is So Busy

by Abby on April 9, 2014

This made me laugh: I clicked on an article titled “3 Hidden Reasons Why Your Mind Is So Busy.” But before I could even make it through the first paragraph, I got distracted by the following things. (Psst, click the image and it will load bigger if you’re having trouble reading my notes.)

reasons why my mind is so busy

Now, part of it is my own fault — I don’t know why I’m physically incapable of having fewer than 6 browser windows open at a time. I multitask, OK? But part of it is the way we’re presented with information these days. The article itself is not enough. Oh, no, we’ve got to have related links, products, suggestions, etc. And don’t forget ways to share — email it! Tweet it! Pin it! Like it! G+ it! Whatever that is.

IT’S ALL SO OVERWHELMING. And that is why my mind is busy and I click on articles like this and don’t finish them. The End.

LINK O’ THE DAY: Remember the article I wrote about meditation and learning to be more mindful? I’m not gonna lie — I tried to keep up with it, but I couldn’t. So this article made me feel better, ALSO by a person who’s written extensively about meditation but doesn’t have time for it: The 5 best apps for meditation. Here’s a closer look at Headspace, my personal fave. No, YOU pretend Andy Puddicombe is your imaginary boyfriend.

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Kathleen Basi April 10, 2014 at 12:15 pm

Uh, Abby, dear, do you really have three thousand seven hundred email messages? That makes me want to burrow in a hole weeping!


Abby April 10, 2014 at 12:25 pm

Ha ha! Yes, but that includes about 5 emails a day from Target, Children’s Place, etc., as well as all the emails from my kids 2 schools about Earth Day, Bike to School day, Teacher Appreciation Week, etc. Now you know why I have so little time to read blogs!


Kathleen Basi April 12, 2014 at 2:59 pm

Yow! I know I get several dozen junkies a day, but most of it goes to my “promotions” folder in gmail. Nightmare!


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