About Me
Meet Abby
Hi, I’m Abby. I’m a mom and a writer in Baltimore, Md. I’ve been writing and publishing articles and essays for more than 15 years, in regional and national magazines, newspapers (remember those?), anthologies, and on the web. My specialties include health and parenting, though I’ve written about all kinds of things, from charter schools to staging your home for sale. You can find out more about my publishing credits on my professional web site.
This is my personal blog, where I write about anything I want to when I’m not on assignment. It’s usually about my kids and the process of balancing writing and life, since that’s what occupies the bulk of my time, but sometimes it’s about books, cooking, marriage, or family vacations. Sometimes it’s even about fashion or shopping.
I started blogging a million years ago (OK, 8) when I was pregnant with my first child. Diary of a New Mom is still online and gets quite a bit of traffic. If you’re interested in pregnancy and baby stuff but don’t want to dig through my archives, I’d invite you to order my e-book, Mama Insider: Laughing (And Sometimes Crying) All the Way Through Pregnancy, Birth, and the First 3 Months, which is a nicely packaged, edited version of the “best of” Diary of a New Mom. It’s only $5, and pretty darn funny, people tell me.
I also work with writers who want to improve their nonfiction writing and get their articles and essays published. Lots of them do — in the New York Times, Southern Living, and Runner’s World, even. If you’re interested in working with me as a writing coach or hiring me in some other editorial capacity, check out my Work with Me page and/or contact me directly.
What else can I tell you? How about a bulleted list of some of my likes/dislikes?
- I like healthy food. I’ve been a semi-vegetarian (I eat fish, eggs, and dairy) for more than 20 years. Here’s my Pinterest board of my favorite recipes.
- I hate cooking for my family. They are the pickiest bunch of ingrates I’ve ever met. Unless it’s a rare night when they like my chickpea coconut curry. Then I love cooking for my wonderful family.
- I like to exercise. Yoga, pilates, running short distances, cardio machines. I also like going to the gym because I can drop my kids off at childcare and read magazines on the recumbent bike and shower in peace.
- I like to read. Nonfiction is my favorite (magazines, memoirs, humor, essay collections, self-helpy inspirational stuff), but every once in a while I throw in a novel, too. But nothing too scary, violent, or depressing.
- I like to watch TV. Sitcoms, Super Soul Sunday and Lifeclass on OWN are my faves. Sometimes E! and HGTV. I would love to get into Homeland and Veep but I don’t have that kind of time.
- I love to sleep. No, I mean I REALLY love to sleep.
- I hate black toilets and unlined white pants. Why do they even MAKE these things?!
Well, that’s all I can think of for now. Thanks for stopping by!
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